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We have developed a range of case studies covering our licensed product manufacturers. This case study features Platypus Fire who has two products approved with Smart WaterMark.

Platypus Fire case study

Platypus Fire has been working with Smart Approved WaterMark since 2014 and was granted the Smart Approved WaterMark Product of the Year Award that same year.

Jamie, the company’s Director, described Platypus Fire’s objective in applying to the scheme. “I saw that Smart WaterMark had been a recognised Mark that people looked at or referred to for water efficient products; the purpose of applying for the Smart WaterMark was to give our product additional recognition in the industry,” Jamie said. He explained that the value the Mark provides the company is linked to the rigorous application process of the scheme. “I was required to provide testing information to satisfy the board for their approval, so from a marketing point of view the Mark reflects that additional independent credibility for a product,” Jamie said.

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Find out more about the Platypus Bushfire Protection Sprinkler System

Find out more about the Platypus Bushfire Sprinkler System Controller