Smart Approved WaterMark is managed by


Rushall Crescent, Fitzroy, North VIC, 3068


The Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria is a not-for-profit organisation that operates multiple aged care facilities.The Fitzroy site consists of 135 individual cottages suitable for single residents and couples.

Water Use:

Water is used in a number of ways across the site: by residents in their self-contained cottages and personal garden area, for the care of residents in the low-care and high-care facilities and for irrigation of communal gardens throughout the site including the nursery.


As part of their Water Management Action Plan, the maintenance team identified a number of ways in which water could be saved at the site, without increasing energy use.

Dual flush toilets were installed to help reduce water use. Similarly, flow restrictors on taps and water efficient showerheads have resulted in a reduction of water and energy use (due to a decrease in quantities of hot water required).

Furthermore, a new and more water-efficient drip irrigation system using rainwater harvested from the site was installed at the Fitzroy site (previously, the gardens were watered by mains water spray irrigation). Drip irrigation systems are significantly more water efficient than spray irrigation systems, as water is not lost through wind, over-spraying or surface evaporation. Two 5,000 litre tanks were also implemented.


While the new irrigation is more water-efficient, it did result in an increase in energy use at the site as energy is required to power the rainwater irrigation pump. To offset additional energy use, the maintenance team had a solar panel installed on-site. Energy from the sun is used to power the pump, which operates the irrigation system for one hour a week. It is reported that 1.72ML have been saved.

Total Project Cost:
