Smart Approved WaterMark is managed by


1210 Gregory St, Lake Wendouree, VIC, 3350


Joe White Maltings Ltd is a malting company that exports 33,110 tonnes of malt for breweries mainly in Vietnam, Thailand and Korea.

Water Use:

Malt making requires significant volumes of water in the steeping and germination processes.


In order to significantly reduce water consumption and decrease cost by reducing trade waste discharge, they introduced a Membrane Bioreactor and Reverse Osmosis (MBR-RO) plant. The bioreactor digests most of the organic matter normally discharged to the sewer.


The MBR-RO plant was projected to cut potable water use by around 50%, creating a projected saving of approximately 50 million litres (ML) per annum. The bio-reactor digests most of the organic matter normally discharged to the sewer. Its projected that this will create a significant trade waste cost saving and ease loading on the regions existing waste water treatment plant.

Total Project Cost:
