Please complete all the sections of the Application Form and be sure to read the Terms and Conditions of the Smart Approved WaterMark program before you submit your application.
To start your application or to simply view any of the sections required in the application press one of the sections in the bars below. You will not be able to save any information in this application until you complete the Contact Details section To retrieve a saved application please click here.
Water saving claims need to be independently verified (such as independent testing, case studies or comparative reports). Unsubstantiated marketing claims are not regarded as evidence of water saving. Supporting documentation should not exceed 15 A4 Pages. If more pages are submitted only the first 15 will be considered. Guidelines for specific products are constantly updated and are available for applicants. The decision of the Expert Panel is final and no further correspondence will be entered into, as the deliberations of the Expert Panel are confidential.
If you have products or services that are very similar with differences that are simply cosmetic in nature such as colours, features and optional extras and do not affect the actual water use of the product/service you may not have to submit a separate application. Services provided by a manufacturer to assist in sales will NOT be considered. The Application Fee is not refundable.